1. Please inform us:
What kind of car are you looking for?
  1. new or used, LHD or RHD
  2. European, USA or other specifications
  3. 2 doors, 4 doors or stationwagon
  4. transmission: standard or automatic
  5. color
  6. destination country of the car
  7. date and place of required delivery
2. Please note:
1. Delivery (Zürich)
Cars from Zürich stock :  01 - 05 days
Cars ready from USA stock :  20 - 30 days
Cars ready from Europe stock :  03 - 15 days
Specially ordered cars:    
American cars :   9 - 13 weeks
European cars, depending on model :   6 - 12 weeks

2. Registration:
Swiss tourist plates available, renewable.

3. Currencies:
All quoted prices and currencies are basic.
All payments will be calculated in that currency, therefore please arrange for payment in that currency. We also accept all other currencies which will be exchanged into the basic currency required at the daily official bank exchange rate.

4. Reservations:
No orders or reservations can be accepted without having received your deposit / downpayment.

5. Payments:
Deposit :   25% of car value as downpayment
Final payment :  To be in our possession latest 5 days prior to shipment (from factory or port),  except if otherwise arranged.

6. Bank:
UBS AG - P.O.Box - CH - 8098 Zürich   Branch: 230
BIC-Swift address :   UBSWCHZH80A  
:   CH890023023040455502V Beneficiary: Peter Iczkovits
IBAN for Euro :   CH690023023040455560N Beneficiary: Peter Iczkovits
IBAN for US $ :   CH410023023040455570C Beneficiary: Peter Iczkovits

7. Guarantee:
Factory issued guarantee will be delivered with your car.

Please give us your telephone and fax number, enabling us to reach you immediately if needed.